Really! This one is easy.

This is an ultra simple example bash script, that is also a Daemon

This is probably the simplest Linux Daemon you'll ever see, the whole thing written in Bash the Bourne Again SHell scripting language, weighing in at a mere 9 lines of Bash code.  OK what makes a Daemon a Daemon, or put another way, how do Daemons differ from other programs.  The main difference is that once you start a Daemon it detaches from the terminal that started it.  After the Daemon is running you can logout and the Daemon keeps running without any user to own it.  The kind of programming you do as the author of a Daemon is considerably different from normal user interactive programs, remember the first thing you do is detach from the terminal that starts it, without any console to provide I/O functionality the resulting strategies available to you tend to be things that monitor, and react to, various events the system can sense and or take corrective action for.

The thing that started me off in this direction, this time, was for some inexplicable reason, perhaps some radio interference in the WiFi band was causing my wireless interface to shutdown.  Oh it could be restarted easily enough, if you were at a local console of that machine, but if you weren't there, you had to go to that machine, and restart the wireless.  I wrote a bash script in which I invested half an hour, that periodically examined points in the   /proc   directory for signs that the wireless had given up, and then it would restart it.  The trouble is that it used up an open root terminal just to deal with this.  I looked through my books, I scoured the internet, one guy said something about a method using a bash builtin called   disown   and some example code in the Bash Cookbook on O'Reilly Press, unfortunately not a book I happen to have, there was one other example that was Posix compliant, but it seemed way too complicated for such a simple program.  So I started striking out on my own, playing around with the bash builtin   disown   I ended up with   Seconds   a very simple Daemon that bumps up the value by one, in a file once a second, allowing you to examine it periodically to convince yourself it is indeed working/or not.  From this humble beginning it should be trivial to make it work with the wireless gimmick I already have.

Interpreting an excerpt of the Bash Man Page:

A running Bash shell exits by default upon receipt of a SIGHUP.  Before exiting however, an interactive shell resends the SIGHUP to all jobs, whither they're running or stopped.  Stopped jobs are first sent a SIGCONT to ensure that they receive the SIGHUP.  To prevent the shell from killing our Daemon as it exits, due to the pervasive way in which signals control everything, sparing the sending of a SIGHUP signal to a particular job, our Daemon for instance, is a simple matter of insuring that it has been removed from the table of active jobs by using the Bash   disown   builtin function.  We in effect tell the shell program to forget it ever launched, what up to that point was a normal program.  Once the shell has forgotten this important detail, if you run the   jobs   program, you will find the Daemon is nolonger listed, if you exit the bash shell, that is you log out, if you log back in again you will find that your little program has been working in your absents.

A word of caution, since most Daemons tend to require root privileges, if a decision can be somehow fed by an attacker, all of the old worries come into play, things like privilege escalation, active memory diversion to permit a function with root privilege to be used by an attacker for arbitrary code execution.  While all very cloak and dagger, you probably aren't going to write a simple Daemon that gets a very wide distribution, and such a Daemon won't gather much of an audience of attackers interested in writing time consuming malware, that evades poor defenses you might not have created if you'd had considerably more knowledge about how your attacker gets in.  Remember this is about as far away from a Monoculture as you're ever going to get, usually it's a one of a kind solution.

Now the example code:

You are expected to write your own strategy, I assume that like me many a coder is used to writing "normal" code, but like me never delved into writing Daemons, well here's yer' chance, go fer it!

#! /bin/bash

#     To Start        Seconds & disown `cat /home/jim/`          #
#     To Stop         kill -9 `cat /home/jim/`                   #
# The executable bash script is   rwxr--r--   /home/jim/scripts/Seconds     #
# Don't forget to set your execution path environment variable $PATH to     #
# include the scripts directory as follows...   PATH=$PATH:$HOME/scripts    #
# you could even add such a line to your   ~/.bash_profile   to make this   #
# directive automatic upon loging on.                                       #
#                                                                           #

echo $$ > /home/jim/
while [ true ]
echo $itr > /home/jim/Seconds
sleep 1

Now for a practical example:

This one keeps my wireless from dying.  Written for Debian Lenny, it should work with most any distro where you want to hardcode in your own wireless Static IP  It uses the wireless tools package function   iwconfig   to set some parameters.  The gateway route conditional is hardly bullet proof, add in new routes, and you'll probably confuse the logic that attempts to avoid adding a gateway route when one is already there.  Every time the wireless needs re-instantiation the file   /root/scripts/Keep_awake.log   increments by one, giving you some idea how much difficulty the signal is having getting through.

#! /bin/bash

#                                                                           #
#  To Start Keep_awake Daemon                                               #
#     Keep_awake & sleep 1 ; disown `cat /root/scripts/`      #
#                                                                           #
#  Note: The above   sleep 1   will allow the .pid file write to finish,    #
#  this avoids a nasty "disown before pid file is available" race condition #
#                                                                           #
#  Warning:                                                                 #
#  Do NOT alter this script without taking into account the effects it will #
#  have on the bootstrap process.  /etc/rc.local  calls this file to start  #
#  to start wireless running.                                               #
#                                                                           #
#  To Stop Keep_awake Daemon                                                #
#     kill -9 `cat /root/scripts/`                            #
#                                                                           #
#  This executable bash script is   rwx------    /root/scripts/Keep_awake   #
# Don't forget to set your execution path environment variable $PATH to     #
# include the scripts directory as follows...   PATH=$PATH:$HOME/scripts    #
# you could even add such a line to your   ~/.bash_profile   to make this   #
# directive automatic upon loging on.                                       #
#                                                                           #

/bin/echo $$ > /root/scripts/

restrt_cnt=0 # Init ReStart logging count

# Enter Main Loop (an endless loop) that continuously checks / restores WiFi

while [ true ]
    /bin/sleep 20
    air=`/usr/bin/tail -n 1 /proc/net/wireless | /usr/bin/cut -b 14-32 | tr -d .`
    air1=`/bin/echo $air | /usr/bin/cut -d " " -f 1-1`
    air2=`/bin/echo $air | /usr/bin/cut -d " " -f 2-2`
    air3=`/bin/echo $air | /usr/bin/cut -d " " -f 3-3`
    if [ "$[$air1+$air2+$air3]" -eq "0" ]  # If wireless is down...
        then                               # ...then restore it.
        restrt_cnt=$[$restrt_cnt + 1]
        /bin/echo $restrt_cnt > /root/scripts/Keep_awake.log
        /sbin/iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed essid shenanigan channel 6
        /sbin/ifconfig wlan0 netmask broadcast up
        /bin/echo -e -n "search localhost\nnameserver\n" > /etc/resolv.conf
        # Lay in the Gateway route if, and only if, its missing
        if [ -z "`/sbin/route -n | /usr/bin/tail -n 1 | /bin/grep "[.-.0-9]\{7,15\} \{2,11\}[.-.0-9]\{7,15\} \{2,11\}[.-.0-9]\{7,15\} \{2,11\}UG \{2,11\}[0-9]\{1,1\} \{2,11\}[0-9]\{1,1\} \{2,11\}[0-9]\{1,1\} \{1,11\}wlan0"`" ] 
            /sbin/route add -net netmask gw dev wlan0

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Copyright © 2010 Jim Phillips

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